I am tickled PINK!
I can NOT believe that Lark's Country Heart
Face Book Page has reached 1500+ fans!
Thanks goes out to ALL of those who have supported
me from the beginning. And to all of the "new" family members.
To each and everyone of you who have helped spread the
word to your fans, friends and family about
MY "little 'Ole Country Blog".
Many of you know me well enough now, to know that
I am a BIG supporter of "Paying it Forward"....
So I wanted to give away something special
From MY heart to you.
I decided to split this up into (3) prizes.
One winner will be getting this fabulous
Scarf, from the Ford Warriors in Pink,
Book Mark and Pink Ribbon Key Chain.
*When anyone buys from the Ford Warriors in Pink
100% proceeds go to finding a cure for Breast Cancer!
Scarf, from the Ford Warriors in Pink,
Book Mark and Pink Ribbon Key Chain.
*When anyone buys from the Ford Warriors in Pink
100% proceeds go to finding a cure for Breast Cancer!
Another lucky winner will be winning another
"favorite" of mine...
This Biggest Loser Yoga with Bob Harper DVD.
Plus this fun colorful Aluminum Water Bottle.
And of course there is one more prize...
These are also on my "favorites" list!
So for this last item, one winner will be receiving
this 32 oz. Tupperware water bottle,
along with a little "snack" pack I put together
from World Cost Market.
This GIVEAWAY will end on Monday, Oct.24th
at Midnight. Winners will be announced Tuesday the 25th.
**There are two ways to enter....
Leave a comment here or on Lark's Country Heart Face Book Page
Telling me some great ideas of how you or someone else
"Pays it Forward"
Good Luck and thank you ALL once again,
for making Lark's Country Heart a Success!
I would love to win! The way I try to pay it forward is by helping out when I can...friend's charity causes, secret santa at christmas time, etc. I'm happy that we are able to help others out who can't help themselves or have fallen on hard times.
I show my kids how to pay it forward, by donating gently used clothing to various charitable organizations. We also donate to the food bank, to his school/class (they often need supplies) and we often take trash bags to our local playground to clean up the mess the older kids often seem to leave behind.
Enter me!! We have a "pay it forward" in our home -- when someone does a good deed or something nice for someone else, they in turn have to return the favor to someone else in the house. LOVE it when I find my kitchen clean because my 9 year old did a "pay it forward" moment!
I have to say that prayer is the best way to pass blessings on that you have received. I always try to pray for those in need.
We pay it forward by volunteering at the local senior center, it always makes you feel good when you help out !!!
We paid it forward very recently. After my brother in law had his stem cell transplant w/ my husband being his donor, to battle leukemia, my husband wanted to contribute to the Leukemia Society, so he walked in Light the Night in honor of his brother and raised over $1400 to donate to other families to assist them in getting their miracle like we did.
Lark congrats on 1500! I don't know if you consider it paying it forward or not but whenever I bake, I take the extras to the teachers at school, the police department or my hubby's co-workers. I also volunteer at my children's school (school store on Wed and Fridays) and anything else they need me for. You know it's good when you and the principal have each other's cell #.
I would love to win! Congrats on the 1500!
One way I try to pay it forward is by donating platelets every other week. I have O- which is universal and can be used on anybody. The use platelets in the cancer wards, burn units, neonatal units, etc.
Congratulations!!! We believe you deserve this out pour of "love," because you yourself give so much "love." Speaking of love, we love your awesome giveaway prizes!!! We firmly believe God uses us to bless others and places us where we are needed the most. We feel we are blessed when we bless others, and there is no feeling in the world, or earthly possessions, that can bring us the joy we experience when we bless others, by paying it forward.
Oh Larky - CONGRATS girl on reaching that ginormous number of fans! WOOOHOOO!!! Terrific prizes too - I'd love to win any of them. I'm paying it forward to being involved in spreading the word for Susan G Komen Breast Awareness month. I'll be sharing about this very thing at our local school this week!
Hiiiiiiii! :)
Congrats to you Lark!
I know a lady named Annette who is one of the most pay it forward people I 'know' She does things daily to just make others smile or bring joy into others lives with no thought of something being given in return.
Also because of your blog and your page on Facebook I see how much YOU pay it forward and what a blessing you are to others. You are a spark of light in the dark fo sho! :)
Have a great day Miss Lark! :)
~Mippy :)
I love to do RAOK's...especially the anonymous kind. Putting a little group of flowers at someone's door, a nice note on their door or car, paying for someone's coffee in line behind me, baking and giving to the Fire Dept or Police Dept., cooking for my kids as they work such long hours...just any type of "giving" I think blesses others. You can't beat the feeling you get inside either.
Congrats on your followers! :-)
Our community is wonderful, and I am happy to have you as a friend :)
I try to pay it forward as often as I can and instill the idea in my son as well *as you know he ran his bake sale in the spring for the Relay for Life*
I often leave a few dollars after I get my tea for the customers behind me in line....they never know its comin LOL
So happy for you Lark. Sometimes paying it forward for me is just giving someone a smile and a simple hello. For some this may be the only person that talk to all day. My hubby came home last night and told me he about a local man who wears torn and tattered clothing and walks around his small town, he was in a local convenience store. He said he felt the urge to buy him something to eat. There is a subway in this particular store and they were closing but he asked if they could make one more sub for this man, he said he was just staring at the ice cream like he was starving. I was so proud of him for doing that. It may not have been much but at least he could get his belly full.
I try and pay it forward day by day to any sick and suffering alcoholic or drug addict in this world...ciao4now64@yahoo.com
I pay it forward by helping the adult program at the college I attend. There is a reason why adults are returning to school. If I can help with the adult program in any way, I do (food, money,volunteering my time,returning my books for someone else to use, etc....).
Yay! A Giveaway! Please visit my blog for an Award. <3 and Hugs Sweet Friend! http://www.recipesformyboys.com/2011/10/liebster-award-2-and-3.html
I love giving people money if they are in line and find themselves short. It makes me feel good. My 5 yo wanted to know "why did you do that mommy"? I said when I find myself short, I would want someone to help me.
I pay it forward by going to the homes of new moms and cooking and cleaning for them!
I would love to enter your giveaway they are all terrific prizes but I am eyeing the Warriors in Pink one ;)
I always had my kids pay it forward at Christmas by choosing one of the presents they had on their wish list and then donating that present to a child in need.
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